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2023 Annual General Meeting

Dear members,

It was a pleasure seeing you all on June 29th at our 2023 Annual General Meeting.

We’d like to thank the 43 members who made the evening so festive. In addition to the social aspect of the evening, our goal was to share with you the results of the 2022-2023 year and the projects in the pipeline.

As you may have noticed in recent months, we’ve made great strides to enhance our Montreal Tennis Lambda website, including our refreshed logo, and to that end, we’d like to recognize and thank the many volunteers who’ve contributed to making our league shine.

Here is a brief overview of the AGM highlights:

Financial situation
  • Tennis Lambda is in good financial health.

  • Revenues cover current expenses, and there is a modest Emergency contingency cushion. The financial statements consolidate all the activities of Tennis Lambda, including the Coupe de la Reine.

Policy Changes:

Elimination of Tennis Lambda membership fees
  • Effective July 2023, the $15 membership fee to participate in Tennis Lambda activities will be eliminated in order to facilitate the recruitment and management of new members.

New rates
  • Effective Fall 2023: Saturday League: $26

  • Effective Summer 2024: Sunday league: $6

Review of tennis activities

Tennis Lambda encourages and supports member-volunteer initiatives aimed at promoting Tennis within Montreal’s LGBTQ2+ community:

  • Saturday Winter League,

  • Sunday Summer League

  • Coupe de la Reine

  • MarkOpen

  • Competitive Ladders/Leagues

  • Coupe des Vices

  • Badminton-tennis challenges

Social activities calendar

Our goal is to host at least 4 social activities per year. Dates and Details to be defined.

Player rankings and match-up automation

We plan to review player rankings through timely self-assessments in order to keep rankings fair and transparent.

Additionally, we will research current software solutions to help automate and optimize match-ups in an effort to help simplify volunteer tasks.

Calls for volunteers

It’s no secret that the success of Tennis Lambda is in large part thanks to the contribution of its volunteers….

If you would like to get involved in some of the Tennis Lambda activities and contribute to its success, simply contact those in charge of the following activities; they’ll always appreciate a helping hand:

  • Summer Sunday League: Pierre Degarie or Humberto Rosa

  • Coupe de la Reine: Robert Dumas

  • Community Day - Gay Pride: Anderson Carneiro and Rick Simoneau

Election of directors

After 4 years of involvement in the CA, Alexandra Ungureanu has decided not to run for a new term, so we take this opportunity to sincerely thank her for her time and involvement.

Current board members: Louis Allard, Christian Lagacé, Rick Simoneau, Robert Dumas and Anderson Carneiro.

Awards and Honorable mentions

FÉLIX AUGER-ALIASSIME Honorable mention – the League’s newest faces:

Antoine, Sébastien, Gabriel P., Samuel, Mohamed, Anna, Antoine H., Charles David, Jérôme, Gabriel C., Jacques, James, Louis, Marc-Antoine, Marie-Hélène, Martin, Mickael A., Mickael P, Mona, Patrick, Pierre, Romain, Ryan, Steven et Virgil.

ROD LAVER Honorable mention – League members for nearly 30 years:

Michel Breton, Terry Brennan, Paul Durivage, Thuan Pham, Puelo Deir, Benoît Prevost et Bao Nguyen

Humorous Awards

PRIX ROGER FEDERER – Best Sportsmanship on the court: Colin Lemoine-Rolland


PRIX BRAD GILBERT - Moonballer of the year: Anderson Carneiro

PRIX RENÉ LACOSTE – Best dressed, head to toe: Amin Dhaou

PRIX BÉATRICE MAIA – Most improved player: Doru Lupeanu

PRIX BIANCA ANDRESCU – Most recoveries from injuries: Gaetan Latendresse

PRIX NICK KYRGIOS - Drama Queen 2023: David Bakker

TOP PRIZE – PRIX IGA SWIATEK – Player of the Year (participation, dedication and overall demeanour on and off the court): Anderson Carneiro

We hope to see you in large numbers throughout our 2023-2024 Tennis Lambda activities.

Enjoy your summer!

Your Board Members,

Tennis Lambda

Photography: Chris Lau - Website | Instagram

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