By participating in the activities of Tennis Lambda, you agree to abide by this code of conduct and to contribute to maintaining a welcoming and respectful environment for all members.
Present yourself at least 15 minutes before the start of matches to begin on time. In case of unforeseen circumstances, inform the organizer or your opponent immediately.
Communicate openly and respectfully with the organizers and other league members. This includes participating in discussions about pairings, rules, schedules, rankings and any other league-related matters.
Be friendly and sociable towards everyone, even those you don't know, as we are a recreational and friendly league.
Maintain a smooth pace between points and games.
Allow for a break every two games if necessary.
Respect the pace set by the server while avoiding deliberately slowing it down.
Ensure you have your water bottle to avoid interrupting the match by going to the fountain.
Adopt a positive sportsmanship attitude by encouraging your teammates, congratulating opponents for good shots, and accepting the results humbly.
Wait until the end of a point to cross the court or retrieve a ball from a neighbouring court.
If a ball poses a danger to someone, report it immediately.
Ensure you return balls to your opponents in a way that makes it easy for them to pick them up.
Respect opponents' decisions regarding line calls.
Keep your composure and refrain from verbal and non-verbal abuse towards other players.
Avoid using balls, your racket, or any equipment violently.
In case of conflict with a member, prioritize a respectful and private conversation with that person to resolve it. If the conflict persists despite your efforts, do not hesitate to report the nature of the problem to the president to obtain appropriate intervention.
Ask for and accept apologies for inappropriate situations, recognizing that everyone can be wrong, even just a little.